The Emergency Call Generation System is used to produces emergency signals such as, white code, blue code or pink code by calling a specific phone number.
These emergency codes are transmitted to the healthcare staff as pager messages.
Information of all units and rooms that allowed to initiate an emergency call are stored on this system. These stored information are used in emergency pager messages. Calls are monitored and reported with respect to time interval, call type and related unit through the web interface.

Advantages of AKGUN Emergency Call and Patient Monitoring System for medical institutions and organizations, can be listed as follows:
  • Instant Communications: A call can be generated by calling a number from a telephone at the organization. Upon this call, related teams are rapidly notified.
  • Real Time and Accurate Data: All calls are recorded. Performance reports and call response reports are automatically generated by the system.
  • Easy To Setup: No additional cabling is necessary, as phone lines are easily accessible in all organizations.
